Difficult to Track, the Terrorist Communications Media Proven to Use a New Way

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Difficult to Track, the Terrorist Communications Media Proven to Use a New Way

Successive bomb attacks in Surabaya in less than 24 hours that killed dozens of casualties, making public wonder how the perpetrators of terror communicate and coordinate. Though Telegram one of the terrorist favorite communications media itself has been blocked in Indonesia. 

And note the perpetrators of terror is not only fixated on one tool to communicate between each other. 

As reported by the official website of one of the United States cyber security agencies, New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell (NJCCIC) mentions:  

"The terrorist communications media in 2018 use a new way of using online games, encryption , dark websites , and cryptocurrencyfor recruiting and spreading propaganda and this is hard to trace, "wrote NJCCIC on its website. 

Not only did NJCCIC also affirm not only communicate, they also used the media to encourage attacks, facilitate their operations such as funding, and obtain weapons to carry out attacks Physics against targets 

Not only are Telegram terrorists using online games, such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the successors have been able to craft such malicious acts several times, 

NJCCIC even made a statement in an NBC interview about the console's ability to peer into homes residents through audio and video sensors.

If you are a PS4 user, you know there are several ways to communicate with other players. You can send messages over the network, using voice chat or using a special game to exchange information. 

Online game, it has the possibility of use of terrorists to be used as an alternative communication channels in addition to using instant messaging applications such as Telegram. A variety of online games, has a true chat feature, made to make it easier for gamers to communicate. 

However, the feature is also an opportunity for terrorists to be used as a communication channel planning action of terrorism.

In addition to utilizing the chat features that exist in the online game, because the game can be said as a virtual world, various approaches can be done to exchange messages without utilizing the chat feature. Maneuvering, movement, and various actions of virtual characters in online games can be used as a means of communication without the need for the terrorist to write down what is ordered against his communication opponent.

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