5 Factors Causing Skin Cancer Most Frequently Occurred

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5 Factors Causing Skin Cancer Most Frequently Occurred

Skin cancer is a condition of abnormal DNA cell abnormalities in human skin, and generally attacks healthy body cells with malignant. This disorder causes cells to grow uncontrollably and form the mass of cancer cells. Much of the DNA damage in skin cells results from ultraviolet (UV) radiation found in sunlight. manfaat kopi

In addition, cancer of the skin is at risk if the skin is exposed to toxic substances or you have a weakened immune system condition. Generally, there are 3 types of skin cancer, the first is basal cell carcinoma which is the most common type of cancer in the skin, second is squamous cell carcinoma, and the last is melanoma. Well, other than that, what other factors could be the cause of skin cancer? 

Some things cause skin cancer

1. Exposure to direct sunlight
Sunlight that contains UVA and UVB can damage DNA inside human skin cells. Sunlight usually begins to affect the DNA genes that control the growth of skin cells. If you are too old and too often exposed to sun exposure, you can be at great risk of skin cancer.

Then, exposure to sunlight tends to be most dangerous at certain hours, such as above the hours of 10 to 5 pm. If you regularly go out without using sunscreen cream, it can also increase the risk of cancer in your skin.

2. Darken skin with UV tools
Darkening the skin or commonly known as tanning , is one of the common causes of skin cancer. This is believed because the  skin tanning tool uses UV light to make the skin darker. As you know, if direct and continuous exposure to UV light can cause premature skin aging.

It's good, tanning is not done too often because it can be bad for the skin. Even if you have done so, you can consult a doctor to reduce the impact of skin cancer risk. You also can use some medical drugs that are useful to repair skin cells after tanning.

3. Infection that is usually caused by chemicals
Wounded skin (burns, ulcers, or new wounds) and then exposed to chemicals or UV rays, can be one of the triggers of skin cancer. Chemicals that cause skin cancer include arsenic and petroleum. Although not too high risk, but still it can cause damage to cells on the skin.

4. Smoking
It is widely known, if smoking is detrimental to health. In addition to lung cancer, skin cancer can also be one of the threats. According to experts Archives of Dermatology , if smokers have weak immune, they are usually vulnerable to cancer cells.

5. Exposure to radiation
Yes, in addition to some of the above causes, radiation also plays a lot against the cause of human skin cancer. Because the use of long-time X-ray radiation will cause conditions or conditions, such as basal cell nevus syndrome or xeroderma pigmentosum . Where these two conditions are very at risk of skin cancer. Usually this condition is often experienced by people who undergo chemotherapy, or are in a factory environment that has high radiation. 
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