Benefits Of Lime To Hair Health
You can make this lime as a natural condesioner. But in addition to the use as a conditioner, lime is also contains antiseptic which is very useful to overcome the dirt on your hair that can interfere with the appearance. In fact, this antiseptic also has a role that is quite active in combating various forms of bacteria that can be caused by many things.
And here are some benefits of lime for hair you should know, which is as follows:
1. Make hair shiny and clean
The benefits of lime for the first hair that is able to make hair more clean and shiny. Who does not want to have clean, shiny hair? Clean and shiny hair is one of everyone's dreams, and can be obtained easily by using expensive branded shampoos.
High acid content in lemon or lime is a substance that can make hair become cleaner and shiny. This acid can also kill germs - germs in the scalp.
How to use it?
To get the benefits of shiny hair, you simply use lemon juice in your hair, then massage your scalp and hair slowly, then rinse thoroughly.
2. Accelerate hair growth
Long, dense hair is also one of everyone's dreams. To help accelerate hair growth and make hair longer, you can use this lime. The benefits of lime for real hair proven to accelerate the growth of your hair and can make hair longer.
Here's how to use lime to accelerate hair growth:
Squeeze lime juice
Take the juice of lime juice, then drop it to the scalp
Massage your scalp slowly
After that wash by using shampoo.
3. Overcoming dandruff problems
Masalh glance from our hair is probably a dandruff problem. Dandruff is one of the most annoying hair problems and makes many people become dizzy looking for ways to overcome the problem of dandruff. Instead of buying products that are not obvious origin, you can try using lime to eliminate dandruff problems.
How to? Here are the steps:
Cut orange pieces into pieces
Rub the pieces of lime on your scalp
Gently massage the scalp
Wait 20 -25 minutes, then rinse and clean with shampoo.
4. Align the curly hair part
Actually there is nothing wrong with the wavy hair condition aka has curly contours. Nevertheless there are some people who want to change the appearance of curly hair becomes more straight, because it considers straight hair looks more neat. Usually to straighten hair, we can use certain tools, but it turns out we can also use the benefits of lime for hair health. intermittent fasting
Here are the steps to use it:
Mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice with one glass of coconut water
Mix well
Put the mixture in the refrigerator for about 2 hours
Apply the mixture on the hair until it comes to the roots
Let stand and wait for approximately 60 - 75 minutes
Rinse with clean water.
5. Strengthen the hair down to the roots
The benefits of lime for healthy hair you should know is that lime juice can provide strength for your hair roots. with strong hair roots, it will have an impact on:
Hair is not easy to fall out
Do not fall quickly
Hair becomes healthier
Hair can thrive
For the benefits of lime juice you can do a massage on your scalp and the root of hair by using lime juice.