What is Customer Satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction is one of the terms in a business that is rarely clearly defined and has almost no definite measurement tools. The definition of customer satisfaction is quite broad, namely as a measurement that you can use to measure the extent to which your customers are satisfied with the product, service, or experience you offer. Measuring customer satisfaction can be interpreted as an effort to measure how customers feel when interacting with your brand.
In other words, customer satisfaction is a metric used to measure the extent to which customers are happy with their products, services, or experiences. Besides customer pleasure, why does customer success also affect customer satisfaction? Because by making customers successful with the use of your service or product, it is safe enough for you to conclude that your value in the eyes of customers will increase, as will their satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction metrics are usually measured by 토토사이트 conducting surveys that ask what customers feel when making a purchase, related to your customer service or the overall customer experience. This research usually uses a Liker scale by giving answer choices on a scale from one to five or seven, from "very dissatisfied" to "very satisfied".
Why is Customer Satisfaction Important?
If you don't measure customer satisfaction, you can't identify unsatisfied customers. Customer dissatisfaction can lead to a negative review and worsen your brand image. You also cannot identify happy or satisfied customers that you can embrace. Finally, you cannot predict or prevent customer churn for sustainability planning and developing your business with the right analysis.
In short, without customer satisfaction research, you cannot know which customers are not happy. If you don't know who isn't happy, you don't know which customers will become churn. If your churn rate increases more than the acquisition of your new customer (higher than growth rate), your business will fail.
In addition, what is the importance of customer satisfaction with the health of your business? The answer is customer retention or customer retention.
Customer retention is one of the most important factors in long-term business growth. You can get new customers as soon as possible, but if they don't survive, you won't be able to have a sustainable business.
How to increase customer satisfaction?
1. Ask to get customer feedback
Whether you share surveys or ask questions in print, directly or by telephone, make sure you ask customers what they want and how they want it. (Don't forget, ask also what they don't like or want!)
2. Perform FGD
Lakukanlah FGD atau Focus Group Discussion secara berkala, baik setiap Anda sedang melakukan perencanaan produk atau layanan baru, atau setiap pergantian kuartal. Apa itu FGD? FGD merupakan salah satu metode riset kualitatif yang paling terkenal selain teknik wawancara. FGD adalah diskusi terfokus dengan suatu grup, untuk membahas suatu masalah tertentu, dalam suasana informal dan santai. Kumpulkanlah sekelompok pelanggan Anda bersama untuk sesi obrolan terbuka. Buat mereka merasa nyaman agar mereka dapat berbicara secara jujur dan bebas mengenai apa yang benar-benar mereka sukai, tidak sukai dengan harapan agar mereka bisa memberikan inspirasi dan masukan kunci untuk bisnis dan rencana Anda. Jangan membela dan membenarkan brand Anda apalagi berdebat. Ajukan pertanyaan dan ambil catatan yang bagus. Tindak lanjuti dengan tulus dan pastinya, katakan ‘Terima kasih!’
3. Study complaints and praise
Every feedback and input from customers can be an opportunity to increase your customer satisfaction. Good reviews or compliments show you what needs to be strengthened, while complaints or bad reviews can show new ideas and action steps to improve your product and service.
4. Prepare and improve the quality of your customer service
Continue to improve the quality of your customer service. Customer service can be one of your keys to maintaining customer satisfaction that will affect loyalty and retention. For customer hotlines, prepare voice recordings so you can keep a neat track record of complaints and input from your customers. All forms of customer service, whether by telephone or e-mail, record it properly. All of these are very important resources to improve and develop your business. Continue to increase information that can help your customers to use your product or service, to achieve the success of your customers!
5. Recruit a Mystery Shopper
Recruit someone or assign one of your staff to mingle with your customers both offline at your outlet or online on all of your platforms or sales channels. Your moving staff as a mystery shopper can start conversations with customers to find out what they do, like and dislike.
6. Become your competitor's customer
Use your competitors' products and services regularly, compare them with your services and products. Ask the competing customer service center to explain the available services in detail, then copy the best points for your stock to be able to provide better than your competitors offer.
7. Look for more feedback online.
Find groups of Internet users related to your industry or products and services, then read the user's posts for new ideas and information. Actively participate in discussions and follow-up via e-mail to get deeper input and understanding.
8. Provide customer information and education
All customer questions must be ready for you to answer, either manually, in person when face-to-face, or with certain documents. Your customers will be upset if they cannot find answers to their questions or doubts about using the product while browsing the site. your website or worse, when contacting your customer service.
Do research on your user experience. If you only run a number of usage tests, you will find many UX problems (user experience) that will be passed unconsciously. From there, you can develop a list of what you can prioritize and improve.
In addition, provide more intelligent and clear content and documentation for your customers. Make sure you write, group, and calculate common questions (FAQs) and complaints (and where they occur) to put on your site. This data will be your foundation for a stronger assistance documentation plan. Make a FAQ list that is very complete, clear and comprehensive so that your customers don't even need to contact your customer service.
Customer satisfaction is very important for business health. If your customers are not happy, they will stop using your product or service and leave, and no business can survive and compete in the long run with this problem.
Use the definition discussion to the tips and tricks discussed to give you ideas for increasing customer satisfaction. You then also have to start implementing measurement strategies to research your customer satisfaction and make the program.