How to Strengthen the Root of Hair in a Natural Disadvantage
Hair problems often occur due to various diseases, both from outside and from inside. Hair disease from within can be caused by lack of food intake that contains vitamin hair so that hair roots become less powerful that can result in hair loss. Meanwhile, external illnesses can be caused by unhealthy dirt, dust and air pollution resulting in hair problems.
One of the problems that many people complain about is hair loss. Hair loss is caused by many factors, ranging from lack of intake of vitamins that can weaken the hair roots, to the unsuitable use of shampoo. Basically, so that hair does not fall, we should focus on strengthening hair roots, because strong hair roots will make the hair hard apart from the scalp.
How to strengthen hair roots can be done in a variety of ways, both medically by performing hair care and the use of hair vitamins and by making ingredients using natural ingredients. Prepared ingredients are also easy to find so it is perfect for those of you who have a budget that wants to have a strong hair root.
How To Strengthen the Root of Hair To Not Fall
1. Coconut
Fruits from plants whose soaring trees can be called rich-benefit plants, ranging from roots to leaves from coconuts can be used, especially in the part of the fruit in which there are meat and coconut water . In the part of the coconut chives that are grated then pressed out coconut milk which we can use to strengthen the hair root so that hair can not easily fall off. The recommended coconut milk is coconut milk from coconut green because it has a thick coconut which is suitable for oil. How to process coconut milk to strengthen the hair root as follows.
-Prepare coconuts of two old green coconuts that have been peeled.
-Grate coconut until smooth, then seasoned to produce coconut milk.
-Cook the resulting coconut milk on a coconut or pan until it is separated between oil and pulp.
-If coconut oil is already obtained, please apply the oil to your hair while at massage.
-Leave for half an hour then rinse with clean water.
-Make it richer and organized so that your hair roots remain strong and healthy.
2. Avocado
Avocado or avocado is widely cultivated in Indonesia as a fruit-producing plant that is later sold to the market or in its own consumption. Although many are found in Indonesia, avocados are not plants originating from Indonesia but from Mexico and Central America. Avocados have oval fruits in which there are large seeds. The fish can be eaten directly or in the juice or juice. Avocados can also be relied upon to strengthen the hair roots so as not to fall out. how to use it as follows.
-Take 3 fresh and fresh avocados and can also be adjusted to the size of your hair.
-Peel the avocado from its skin and beans.
-Pound Avocado until fine.
-Do not mix anything into Alibatat collision including Water.
-Wash your hair with clean water.
-Apply the subtle avocado to the rest of the hair from the scalp to the ends of the hair, and do not -forget while in the delicate pens.
-After that, close your coconut with a warm towel and let it rest for about 20 minutes.
-Last steps please wash your hair until clean.
3. Leaves Tea
Leaves of dried tea can be mixed with hot water that we often call tea warm. Tea water is very enjoyable in drinks in the morning and evening especially in cold weather. In addition to good for the health of the inner body, tea can also strengthen the hair root by applying the tea leaves that are in the hair.
-Take a handful of dry tea, then pour in boiling water.
-Stir in the tea until thick and discolored.
-Then save the tea for one night.
-The next day use the teaspoon tea to wash your hair while in a smooth massage.
-Use this herb routine regularly to get the most outcome.
Hair Transplant Uk Prices If you want to avoid hair loss, then we have to have a strong hair root. Hopefully various ways to strengthen the hair roots described above can be a reference to you and can make your hair roots strong and healthy scalp.