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 Indonesian teenagers  today tend to  have a habit of sleeping late at night with activities that are not well done continuously. The habit of sleeping late at night has become part of the lifestyle of our community , especially  teenagers and productive age.

Based on the data, about 20-50 percent of adults experience sleep disorders, with 17 percent having serious sleep disorders. Sleep difficulties peak in the 65-69 year age group, where 40 percent of women and 25 percent of men experience it.

According to the doctor Imam Kukuh Darmawan from Central General Hospital H. Adam Malik, Medan, insomniais a condition when one wants to sleep but can not sleep,


Exercising to help  speed up  your sleep.

Regular exercise can help stimulate sleep better. Just do not do it too long . Exercise will actually make you more alert for six hours, also increase body temperature. Therefore, do not exercise too close to bedtime. Do it at least two or three hours before you plan to sleep.

Drink ob at bed to fall asleep.

It is true that sleeping pills are safer and more effective than other drugs. But remember, all drugs have potential risks, including the risk of dependence. Talk to  your doctor before taking sleeping pills. Some sleep aids can help relieve symptoms of insomnia for a while,  but do not heal a. The correct way to overcome is to fix your sleep environment

If you want to sleep fast, watch television or play computer only .

Both actually stimulate your eyes stay open. Light and noise from TV and computers can attract and reduce the brain's melatonin levels. Some studies show  that  melatonin shortens the time it takes to fall asleep. Change the way to hear more relaxed activities, such as listening to music.

Napping to tackle insomnia .

For some people, a short nap 10 to 20 minutes can indeed be refreshing. However, napping actually reduces the urge to sleep at night.

Train yourself so that sleep gam pang can overcome insomnia.

You can train your body for calm behavior while going to sleep. The key,  of course, is consistency. For example, by reading or warm bath before bed. Or also, meditate or daydream. Find out what works for you and do it as a routine ritual.

Do not Impose Sleep

Understanding that the body needs rest, many people force themselves to sleep even though they can not sleep. If you can not sleep, do not be too forced. Waking up for a while and taking time to read or listen to music is an activity that experts advise. Definitely choose soft music. Such soothing activity can help us to begin to feel sleepy. Forcing yourself to lie still and close my eyes often frustrates us instead of falling asleep. In the end we even get used to it and really can not sleep.

From our interview with damter  Imam Kukuh Darmawan, there are several  factors  that cause inso mnia especially for teenagers,  such as:

Psychological Factors:

Psychological factors often cause the occurrence of Insomnia in a person for example excessive stress, paranoia, anxiety and mental disorders. among teenagers this factor is related to the tasks that are piled up and hard to work, facing exams, etc.

Environmental factor :

Environmental factors that do not support also can m influence sleep patterns such as: uncomfortable room atmosphere (dirty and smelly) .

Mobile or Gadget:

Gadgets are also the main cause of insomnia. In ea globalization teenagers usually often spend time until late at night with the gadgets they have.

Internet / Online:

Internet / online also includes a major factor or problem for any teenager who spends the night until late. This is also one of the causes of difficult teenagers to sleep.

tips and how to cope

1.  Set sleep patterns at night  and avoid excessive naps

Regular sleep patterns are very good and good, target your sleep time between 21:00 s / d 22.00 wb, this is the right way to be able  to  avoid Insomnia.

2.  Avoid gadgets when you want to sleep

Mobile or gadget you Adala h one of the main causes Ins o m nia. When you hold a gadget or mobile phone, you will be affected by its contents and that is what causes you to be unable to sleep.

3 . Regular exercise

O lahraga helps the body stay healthy and function properly. If the body abolism met smoothly  then the difficulty of sleep or insomnia will also not happen. Heavy activity in the morning and afternoon will also make your body need enough istirakat at night so quickly fall asleep. Exercise in the afternoon or before bed is also very effective to accelerate sleep when the body is tired

4.  Warm bath water

Warm bath will help you to relax the body before bed. Warm water can help relax the muscles of the body after a day of work or activity. When the body feels lighter and relaxed, then sleep will be more comfortable and fast. Warm bath also helps ease the feeling of tired and sore sore after the move .

5 .  avoid stress

Relax the body after the move. Take time to neutralize the stress that comes from daytime activities, especially when it comes to sleep. Eliminate stress by looking into the green landscape, or lay a blindfold and  do deep breathing therapy while clearing the mind, listening to slow, comfortable music, or performing techniques of meditation or yoga techniques

6.  Stay away from caffeine in the afternoon or evening

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee cause difficulty sleeping. This is because caffeine is a substance in the diet that can increase heart rate so that your body feels more active and difficult to sleep. Coffee is not the only drink that contains caffeine but is also present in tea, soda, energy drinks, and others. The effects of caffeine in the body can disappear within hours. If you drink it in the afternoon or before bed will cause difficulty sleeping .
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