Cyber ​​Crime Predictions and What You Need to Do

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Cyber ​​Crime Predictions and What You Need to Do

Towards the end of the year, a number of technology companies issued trend predictions in 2019, including in the cyber security industry.

Palo Alto Networks delivered Cybersecurity Forecast 2019 and various anticipatory steps towards the security dynamics next year. Trik Android

This year, we have witnessed the proliferation of cyber attacks which have had a fatal impact on the breaking down of substantial data belonging to a number of companies and organizations.

Palo Alto Networks highlights five important things that are predicted to be crowded in the cyber security arena next year.

1. The more widespread business emails inserted by malicious attachments

Businesses are often used as easy targets by cyber criminals in launching their actions. In the past five years alone, more than $ US12 billion was stolen by cyber criminals through compromised business e-mails. This kind of mode is predicted to be more widespread and can take even more casualties if the business fails to adapt to the situation.


The company is advised to conduct an assessment of all information traffic within the company, as well as implement comprehensive checking and licensing processes for incoming business e-mails, specifically related to the movements of each resource.

Palo Alto Networks sees that in 2019 more companies will adopt business email security strategies by implementing two-factor and multi-factor authentication processes, as well as biometric-based authentication.

2. The supply chain is a new weak point on the security line

The presence of the digital era has caused all boundaries in the building of global supply chains to be interconnected. From establishing business connections with suppliers, to find outsourcing services at the global level is now not as complicated as before. Connections that are built, along with the attachment between data and networks, empower organizations to create efficiency through building connectivity and analytical technology. But on the other hand, it also helped open new gaps for cyber criminals to aim at weak spots in existing security buildings.

We can observe these security risks clearly in the health sector. Connected medical devices, such as MRI machines and X-rays connected to internal networks, become vulnerable areas of attack that are not easily monitored.


The high number of minimal protection devices, such as the internet of things (IoT) that are connected to corporate networks, is prone to lead IoT to become the 'internet of cyberthreats.' Although the use of applications and devices connected from third parties is a necessity, companies should be orderly in implementing internal security standards in the process of procuring devices and services, such as ensuring that firmware or applications are always updated at all times. The company is also required to ensure that the login configuration has been changed from the default configuration.

If third-party systems and devices must be resettled on the network, then apply the Zero Trust mode to ensure that the traffic inspection and verification process is carried out only by users or applications that have obtained the authority to communicate.

CSOs need to ensure that sensitive information traffic can be separated and always be safe in the network, and is not possible to be reached by external devices or systems.

3. Data protection is used as the main agenda in the Asia Pacific

Countries in the Asia Pacific region carry a joint commitment in supporting cyber security initiatives. This brings fresh air to the formulation of a formal data protection framework in the region. Australia and Singapore became the first countries to initiate data protection initiatives in their countries, followed by other countries.

The Indonesian government is currently striving to encourage the strengthening of information technology infrastructure to support the growth of the digital economy in the country, in addition to the government's efforts to realize a broadband plan to build fiber optic connectivity throughout the country in 2019, and to encourage the growth of broadband network penetration to reach 100% in urban areas and 52% in rural areas, with speeds of up to 1 Mbps, in addition to the preparation of e-commerce courses, and the vision of smart city they are currently planning.

The government also shows its seriousness in efforts to meet the security needs of personal data and privacy for its citizens through the issuance of Minister of Communication and Information No. regulation. 20 of 2016 concerning Personal Data Protection in Electronic Systems, to implement to implement the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (3) in Government Regulation No. 82 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of Systems and Electronic Transactions.


The GDPR rules issued by the European Union have triggered organizations in the Asia Pacific region to be more serious in handling problems related to data usage and storage. GDPR can be used as a basic reference for businesses in conducting assessments to see the extent to which gaps in fulfilling the rules of feasibility and in strengthening the overall security posture of the company.

While waiting for readiness until the issuance of a similar framework for security rules and data privacy, the policies contained in the GDPR can be used as a reference for businesses in minimizing unnecessary data collection processes, which in turn can help reduce security risks.
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