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Smoking habits

Smoking habits have become a culture in various countries in the world. The majority of smokers around the world is about 47% are men and 12% are women with different age categories.     

The biggest cigarette toxin is produced by the smoke that rises from the tip of a non-smoking cigarette. Because the smoke produced comes from incomplete burning of tobacco. Cigarette smoke contains harmful substances such as benzene, nicotine, nitrosamines, amines, aromatics, naphthalene, ammonia, oxidant cyanides, benzapirin carbon monoxide, and others. These particles will settle in the airways and are very harmful to the body. The sediment of cigarette smoke is also easily attached to objects in the room and can last up to more than 3 years, still dangerous. 

In one cigarette contains about 7,000 chemicals and 200 species. The substance contained in cigarette smoke is twice as much, nicotine five times as much, carbon dioxide three times more and tar fifty times more chemicals in it which is very harmful to health. Among them are carcinogenic, substances that damage the genes in the body that trigger the occurrence of cancer, such as lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. Or other cancers, such as nasophary cancer, mouth, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and uterus. Atherosclerosis or panderasan blood vessels can cause heart disease, hypertension, stroke risk, early menopause, osteoporosis, infertility, and impotence. 

The main toxins in cigarettes are tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. Need to know that:

Tar is a sticky hydrocarbon substance and attached to the lungs.
Nicotine is an addictive substance that affects the nerves and blood circulation. This substance is carcinogenic and can trigger lung cancer is deadly.
Carbon monoxide is a substance that binds hemoglobin in the blood, making the blood unable to bind oxygen.

Some investigations prove that children whose parents smoke are more likely to suffer from respiratory illness than children whose parents do not smoke. Parents who suffer from respiratory infections, their children are twice as likely to suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia under one year of age. Children of mothers who smoke are not only at risk before the birth, but during the age of less than one year are also at greater risk for serious illness. Increased among smokers in women, showing the intensity of lung cancer among women is increasing. More worrying again smoking during pregnancy adversely affects fetuses and babies who are born and can cause premature births - premature. 

Number of deaths of smokers According to World Health Organization (WHO) research, every hour, tobacco tobacco kills 560 people worldwide. If calculated one year already there are 4.9 million deaths in the world caused by tobacco cigarettes. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) More than 440,000 people in the United States and 100,000 in the UK die from smoking every year. In addition, more than 92 billion dollars (USD) is lost annually due to loss of productivity due to premature death associated with smoking. Keep in mind some other toxic substances known to have adverse effects of bone and skin.

Here are ways you can start trying to stop smoking:

Serious intention to quit smoking.
· Learning to hate cigarettes

· Mix with people who do not smoke

· Frequently go to the air-conditioned room

· Remove all items related to cigarettes.

· If you want to smoke, post another 10 minutes.

· Tell your friends and people closest if we want to quit smoking.
· Smoke less.

· Eliminate the habit of daydreaming or waiting.

· Frequently go to the hospital, to know the importance of health.

· Find a cigarette replacement, like candy or something other sweet.
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