9 Benefits of Pure Milk Cow

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Benefits of Pure Milk Cow

9 Benefits of pure cow milk - Milk is very useful for growth and health. Cow's milk is rich in minerals that are good for the body

Are you a fan of cow's milk? If so, then here are 10 benefits of pure cow milk that we can get

1.In the content of cow's milk contains Potassium, the use of potassium is to move the blood vessel wall when high blood pressure to keep it stable, in this it is useful to prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.

2. Cow's milk can actually neutralize toxins that enter into the body such as lead, and cadmium

3. Cow milk also contains tyrosine that can encourage the hormones of excitement, if you often drink milk then you will be happy, just like when you eat chocolate.

4. Cow's milk also contains iodine, zinc and leticin which can drastically improve the efficiency of the big brain work. So when we are diligent to drink milk, brain performance is also good.

5. Gynecology Iron, copper and vitamin A in milk has a function of beauty, which can keep skin smooth and shiny.

6. Calcium milk can increase bone strength, prevent bone shrink and broken bones. So it is not surprising if children in the growing period if diligent drinking milk so high growth very fast badanya.

7. If you are often exhausted because of busy and overworked, then by drinking milk will make the body be healthy and refreshed because the content of magnesium in milk can make the heart and nervous system resistant to fatigue.

8 If you are injured in your skin, besides being treated with external medicine for cuts, drink plenty of milk because Zinc content in cow's milk can help wound healing quickly.

9. The content of vitamin B2 in cow's milk can improve the visual acuity. By drinking cow's milk regularly and regularly then our eyes will be healthy and see more clearly.
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